Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doctor, Doctor will I die?

The first thing that jumped into my head when I saw the Heads and Tails theme for this week was a song from a Hand Clapping game we used to play. Its the only one I have taught my daughter. Its really a silly one, no idea where it originates from.

It goes like this:

An east, a west
I met my boyfriend at the candy store
He bought me ice-cream
He bought me cake
He brought me home with a belly-ache
Mama, mama
I'm so sick
Call the doctor
quick, quick, quick
Doctor, Doctor
Will I die?
Count till five and you'll be alive
a one, a two, a three, a four, a five


smarmoofus said...

I've never heard that one. And now I can't remember any of the ones I used to do. Hmph. Was "Miss Suzie" a hand-clapping game, or was it just a song?

Anyway, happy HoT!

Anonymous said...

OH, what memories this brings back ... good days those were!!!

storyteller said...

Ah … I’ve not thought of that one for DECADES!!! Wonderful ‘take’ on this week’s HoTs theme! Thanks for the memories ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I forgot about that one! We used to recite that one.

CJ said...

Ever see the Cosby episode where they do this one? Thanks for the memories.


Anonymous said...

It is still as alive as our life and thanks for reminding me that good old days. There are some things which don't change all the life and it is one of them.